Friday 16 September 2011

Hedwig the Owl (Part 1 - Wednesday)

I have a confession to make.. aside from dressmaking efforts I have never really "sewed curves" as far as quilting goes. So I was a little apprehensive about my Hedwig blocks and decided it would be a really good idea to have a practice run.
Sewing curves
 So I loaded up a practice block onto my trusty Brother My Star 15 (he's not fancy, but he does the job and I've had him since my 16th birthday) and it was surprisingly easier than I'd anticipated.
Test block turned out ok, next stop Hedwig!
All of the "heads" strung together
 Then it was time to pin my Hedwig blocks, so I did all the heads first, and then I did enough bodies to complete a full block.
The first block, pressed and ready for assembling

Completed first block - we have an owl!
 After I finished the first block I just kept going with the pinning and sewing of the other blocks until it was time for me to take the kids home and go to Weight Watchers. I finished up with enough blocks to complete another owl, plus the other two heads and a few more blocks pinned ready to go. (Yes, I'm also aware that when I say finished, there aren't any eyes yet!)
Wednesday's efforts (not including the pinned pieces)

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